All Pilgrims in Makkah Disease-Free, Says MOH

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — All pilgrims in the Grand Mosque are free from any infectious diseases this Ramadan season, the Ministry of Health has claimed.

Ministry spokesman Dr. Khalid Marghalani said there were 1,156 visitors to the Grand Mosque’s first aid clinic since the beginning of Ramadan, Al-Watan daily reported.

He said the ministry has paid special attention to any possible symptoms of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

“The ministry has an entire unit of doctors specialized in infectious diseases and epidemics for Ramadan pilgrims,” the spokesman said.

“So far we have no recording of a case of Coronavirus or any other infectious diseases including dengue fever, swine influenza, measles (Morbilli), meningitis, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS,” said Marghalani.

He also said the Grand Mosque’s first aid clinic had a total of 280 Saudi visitors and 876 non-Saudi visitors since the beginning of Ramadan.

“There have only been 55 cases in which the clinic referred patients to public hospitals in Makkah. Emergency wards at public hospitals have reported a total of 51,282 visitors since the beginning of Ramadan.

Private clinics have reported a total of 23,822 patients during the month,” said Marghalani.

He added the total number of patients currently receiving treatment in private and public hospitals since the beginning of Ramadan has reached 3,161 patients.

“On the other hand, the number of patients released within the same period has reached 3,073. The ministry has prepared preventive plans and strategies for infectious diseases during the month of Ramadan,” said Marghalani.

He added the ministry prioritizes the health and safety of its pilgrims regardless of nationality and gender.

“Under the leadership of the health minister and the efforts of a dedicated medical staff in both the private and public sectors, the ministry is able to meet its standards in health security despite the challenges presented with the large number of pilgrims present during Ramadan,” he said.


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