Bishop Urges ‘More Determined’ Effort from Govt to Repatriate OFWs from Libya

Following the recent abduction of four Filipinos in strife-torn Libya, a Catholic bishop on Thursday urged government to mount a “more determined” effort to repatriate Filipino workers from there.

Balanga Bishop Ruperto Santos also called for stricter measures for the safety of overseas Filipino workers there.

“My appeal is for a more determined effort to stop Filipinos from taking jobs in conflict zones and to have those caught in the conflict to be brought home,” Santos said on the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines news site.

Santos heads the CBCP Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People.

Earlier reports said four Filipinos were among nine foreigners seized by gunmen at an oil field March 6.

“I ask all to join us in praying for the safety of the abducted Filipinos and for their immediate release,” he said.

Santos also appealed to OFWs to avoid going to so-called hotspots in the Middle East, saying safety should be prioritized over better pay.

“While the jobs there offer huge pay they come at the cost of life and safety,” he said.

(Source: Joel Locsin/BM, GMA News)

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