DFA urges Filipinos to Leave Troubled Yemen

MANILA, Philippines–Filipinos in Yemen were urged anew to leave the country as soon as possible due to the “continued deterioration of the political, security and peace and order situation” there, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said on Thursday.

In a statement, the DFA said this advisory was issued by the Philippine embassy in Riyadh.

It reminded that alert level 3 status, which called for the voluntary repatriation, remains to be effective in Yemen. This meant there was a total deployment ban there and that travels to Yemen, including to those who are on vacation and returning there, will not be allowed.

The DFA said Filipinos who would like to go home should coordinate with the Crisis Management Team in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.

(Source: Christine O. Avendaño – Philippine Daily Inquirer)

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