How to Increase your Salary by Demonstrating your Worth

Well, so you have been trying to save some money by brown-bagging your lunch and carpooling but your savings fall short on paying for that college fund or your dream retirement plan. You maybe thinking of looking for another job or asking for a salary raise; and while you maybe on the right track, hold on to that thought and read this article.

What if you can use your skills and knowledge of things that you have studied or done outside of your scope of work in creating a better job for you in your current company and ultimately increase your value/worth?

Here’s how:

· List everything you already do at work. Keep a work diary and write down everything you do. List all the tasks that you perform on a daily, weekly or occasional basis. What are the skills that you apply to your job?

Using certain computer programs or mobile applications can distinguish you.What are other skills that you have? Think of your interpersonal skills, communication skills and managerial skills. Are there any special or delicate tasks that only you can perform? Are you for example dealing with difficult or touchy people? Do you manage people? Managing other people when not in a managerial position is an important thing to note.

To what extent are you familiar with products and services? And do you remember the history of business operations; what worked and what didn’t and why?Do you know exactly where to find information in a file or database?

· Write down a list of what you do outside of work, too. Your extracurricular activities are full of skills and ideas that you can use to broaden your horizons at your job. Are you attending any classes? Do you have a blog? What languages do you speak/write? Have you been volunteering for a charitable or political cause maybe? What are your hobbies and how do you spend your free time?

· Decide which of your skills are relevant to your current job. Look at your job description with a critical eye, both for what it currently says and what you might like it to say. Re-write your job description based on similar jobs outside of the company and where you would like your career to head personally. Don’t forget to incorporate your personal skills and any accumulated knowledge gained from your extra curricula activities.

·  Talk to your work acquaintances and get their professional opinions. It’s better if you ask friends to guarantee their honesty with you. Be prepared to accept criticism gracefully and take note of the areas that need improvement.

· Expand your knowledge, skills and abilities by taking courses or attending workshops. You can also learn from those who do similar jobs or tasks that you wish to do.

A good strategy is to look for job openings in your field online and circle the skills that you are lacking in. After that, learn these skills by taking a course or take part in these tasks within your organization to gain experience. Once you do that, you will become a much more valuable employee.

·  Evaluate your salary against others in your field by asking friends and looking online ( or (

Take into consideration where you live and work, as opposed to where others might live and work.

·   Re-visit your new job description after you have acquired new skills and expertise

·   Ask for a salary raise. When you can demonstrate growth and, ideally, an increased worth to the company. Use work diary to summarize growth and value. Then, take your case to your boss or employer.

· Ask for a promotion. If you feel that your job has grown or changed a great deal in terms of added responsibilities, ask for a new title as well as a new salary. This could get you the respect of your colleagues as well as put you into a higher salary scale.


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