All Legal Remedies Being Pursued in Case of Pinay Drug Convict in Indonesia –VP Binay

The Philippine government is pursuing all legal remedies in helping the Filipina drug convict who is facing execution in Indonesia.

“The Philippine government has taken the proper legal steps in accordance with Indonesian laws,” said Vice President Jejomar Binay in a short statement Monday.

“We respect their laws and will pursue all legal remedies in accordance with Indonesian laws and judicial process,” added Binay, who is also the presidential adviser on OFW concerns.

“We assure everyone that your government will extend all needed assistance to our kababayan,” he said.

The Indonesian government, on  February 3, deferred the execution of the unnamed Filipina after the Philippine government sought a judicial review of her case.

The convict, who entered Indonesia as a tourist, was arrested by authorities on April 25, 2010 for alleged trafficking of 2.6 kilograms of heroin at the Yogyakarta airport.

In Indonesia, smuggling of prohibited drugs is punishable by death through firing squad.

Since 2011, five Filipinos – all drug couriers – were put to death in China.

Despite the executions, many Filipinos continue to engage in drug trafficking, citing lack of economic opportunities at home.

Citing a September 2014 data, the DFA said a total of 805 Filipinos who are detained abroad for drug-related offenses.

(Source: Trisha Macas/KBK, GMA News)

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