OFWs Call on Pope Francis to ‘Struggle with Us’

MANILA – Filipino migrant workers all over the world called on Pope Francis to ‘stand with us’ to bear witness to their struggle.

“We call on you to work hand-in-hand with migrants’ organizations and advocates in support of the plight of our Filipino migrants. There are still many things that need to be done. Holy Father, struggle with us,” OFW group Migrante International stated in their open letter to Pope Francis.

Pope Francis left Manila for Rome on Monday morning. But in his speech in Malacanang, Pope Francis highlighted the role of OFWs in Philippine society.

“I would also mention the oft-neglected, yet real contributions of Filipinos of the diaspora to the life and welfare of the society in which they live,” he said.

The group said that like Pope Francis, they stand firm that forced migration is an anomaly and matter of deep concern involving the lives and dignity of migrant workers.

“Ours is now an era of modern-day slavery wherein our migrant workers and their families are subjected to most cruel conditions in favor of greed for remittances and the desecration of human rights,” the group stressed.

The Pope also stressed the importance of family in society and the role they play in training their children to have sound values, high ideals and genuine concern for others.

“But, like all God’s gifts, the family can also be disfigured and destroyed. It needs our support,” said the Pope.

Migrante said it is also disturbed and moved by the tragedy of the separation of families.

“We cry for the suffering and pain of children left behind without proper guidance, parents and couples estranged from each other, and other resulting economic, emotional and psychological implications of loved ones being uprooted from their families,” they said.

Lastly, the group urged the Pope that together, “Let us face the challenge of holding the cause of Filipino migrants and their families.”

The group’s members all over the world held simultaneous activities in their host countries to express their gratitude to Pope Francis.

(Source: ABS-CBNnews.com)

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