OFWs Cost of Living in Dubai

Overseas Filipino workers or OFWs view Dubai as a relatively greener pasture than the Philippines.

From a country yet still to be developed, this can be a reality for Filipinos especially for those who are among the low-income earners. Thus, OFWs have the notation that having a work abroad provides more opportunity of a better future ahead.

Most OFWs prefer to work abroad and endure all the hardships and struggles of having an overseas job. Since ‘money does not grow on trees’, OFWs try to earn it through hardwork.

 OFWs aiming to land overseas job in the prosperous country of Dubai, the following are the common expenses you will likely avail of when in there:

  • Housing

According to recent statistics, an average bed-spacer housing in Dubai will costs OFWs AED 400 (United Arab Emirates Dirhams) to AED 600 per month, respectively.

On the other hand, a studio-type housing will costs OFWs AED 900 to AED 990 per month.

  • Food

Depending on your type of diet or preferred place to eat, but average OFWs who temporarily are in Dubai cost them AED 500 per month for food.

  • Transportation

Monthly transportation costs may vary depending on your distance from work. Although monthly allowances for transportation can’t be quantified at this rate, the following are common transportation fees (per ride basis) if you travel in Dubai:

Bus – AED 1.80 – AED 2.30

Taxi Flag Down Rate – AED 10.00

Train – AED 1.80 – AED 5.80

Abra (Water Taxi) – AED 2.00

  • Hospitalization 

Health Insurance: AED 850 per annum

Check-Up and Fees: AED 100 – AED 200 per consultation for those with no insurance

  • Gasoline

If you have your own ride in Dubai, your monthly budget for the gasoline will more or less costs you AED 600.

  • Clothing

Depending on how thrifty and frugal OFWs are or how they can refrain from opting to branded goods, an average clothing at Dubai will only costs: AED 50-AED 100 per piece.

  • Internet

Having an internet connection at your place is a need nowadays, especially for OFWs. If your housing does not offer an internet connection for free, internet cafes at Dubai will likely charge you: AED 5 per hour.

  • Water and Electricity

If you find yourself staying in a housing that does not include monthly bills for water and electricity, the amount you are likely to pay is likely at: AED 150 – AED 250 per month.

(Source: OFWGuide.com)

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