Yemen PM Returns to Aden from Exile

2015-0803  Yemen PM Returns to Aden from Exile

Yemen’s Vice President Khaled Bahah (C) talks to reporters upon his arrival at Aden airport Saturday. (REUTERS)

ADEN: Yemeni Prime Minister Khaled Bahah flew into the southern port of Aden from exile in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, after pro-government forces ousted Shiite rebels from the city, an airport source said.
Bahah, who is also vice president in the internationally recognized government, fled into exile with President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi and the rest of his government when the rebels entered Aden — their last refuge — earlier this year.
An airport source said that Bahah arrived on a Saudi military plane, becoming the highest ranking official to return to the devastated city since the government announced its liberation in mid-July.
Impoverished Yemen has been rocked by months of fighting between the Houthi rebels and Hadi loyalists, who have received air support from a Saudi-led coalition.
Thousands have been killed and millions are need of aid.
On Monday, a humanitarian pause declared by the coalition went into effect but it collapsed the next day.
The interior and transport ministers toured parts of Aden in mid-July during a brief visit to assess the damage from the fighting.
They also looked at ways to fully reopen the ports and airport to allow the delivery of desperately needed relief supplies.

The rebels and their allies remain in control of the capital Sanaa and large swathes of the country.


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