17 more Balikbayans from Ebola-Hit Countries Undergo Quarantine

Seventeen overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) from Ebola-hit countries are currently undergoing quarantine procedures in the Philippines, a report on “24 Oras” said Thursday.

Citing information from the Department of Health (DOH), the report said the OFWs arrived in the country last week.

Of the number, 15 are in Metro Manila, one in Cebu and another one in Davao City, the report said.

In accordance with protocol, the latest batch of OFWs will have to undergo quarantine for 21 days.

The report did not state the country of origin of the 17 OFWs.

The DOH, however, assured the public that the Philippines remains Ebola-free.

Latest figures from the World Health Organization placed the number of Ebola patients to over 18,000, with over 6,000 fatalities, mostly from West Africa.

(Source: KBK, GMA News)

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