5 Things OFW Must Know for a Hassle-Free Deployment

In search for a better life, many Filipinos take the risk of working overseas. But before earning the remuneration bigger than the value of your salary in the Philippines, you have to shell out soaring amount of fees. To make sure that the costs you’re about to pay for would take you the greener pasture safely and legit, take heed of these guidelines:

  1. Placement Fee – According to POEA, exempted from placement fees are Filipinos working overseas as:
  • Domestic/home service workers;
  • Caregivers; and
  • Seafarers

No placement fee shall also be collected to OFWs bound for the following countries:

  • United States of America (H2B Visa)
  • Canada (British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan)
  • United Kingdom
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands

POEA chief Hans Leo Cacdac also reminds the Filipinos to ask for official receipts stating the purpose of the payment and the placement fee shall be equivalent to the worker’s one-month salary only. Placement fee shall be collected only after the contract has been signed.

  1.  Medical Examination – According to POEA, medical examination is required only after the applicant has been pre-qualified. The applicant must undergo medical examination if:
  •  He/she is already interviewed by the employer, principal, or the recruitment agency representative; and
  •  The job under offer has job order from the POEA.
  1. Processing Fee – It is different from the placement fee. Processing fee should be shouldered by the employer and not by the worker.
  2. Offloading at Philippine airports. – Prepare your employment contract, proof/certificate of PDOS attendance and documents such as OEC, work visa, OWWA membership and present them when asked by the Bureau of Immigration.
  3. Illegal recruitment – Here are some tips you must bear in mind to be able to recognize an illegal recruiter:
  • He/She asks the prospect employee to immediately pay for a placement fee without issuing an Official Receipt (OR).
  • He/She does door-to-door recruitment of applicants instead of doing such in a POEA-licensed recruitment office.

 (Source: OFWGuide.com)

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