Another P200 Million Stolen from Bangladesh Funds Returned – AMLC

Part of the Bangladesh funds laundered from its US bank account has been returned by Eastern Hawaii Leisure Co. Ltd. to the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) on Monday.
“Eastern Hawaii turned over P200 million to the AMLC yesterday,” Executive Director Julia Bacay-Abad told the Senate blue ribbon committee on Tuesday.

The company of casino junket operator Kam Sin “Kim” Wong has turned over the money to the AMLC for safekeeping until it is time to return the fund to the Bangladesh government.

The money is part of the $81 million stolen from the Bangladesh Bank account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Wong already turned over $4.6 million to the AMLC on March 31, and P38.280 million on April 4.
The funds are currently stored in the vaults of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), until the money is properly returned to Bangladesh officials.

As per GMA News, the P200 million is supposedly part of the additional P450 million Wong earlier promised to return to Bangladesh.



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