Canadian Mounties Warn of Fraudster Who Preys on Filipinos

SAN FRANCISCO – Police in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, is asking the public’s help in identifying a woman who defrauded someone she met through a website meant for helping Filipino immigrants.

A Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokesperson said the fraud takes advantage of a victim’s kindness and willingness to help another person.

The suspect who called herself Creste Gelera, presumed to be a false name, convinced the victim to give her bank account information so that Gelera could deposit a check purportedly for a needed surgery.

After the check was deposited the victim was asked to withdraw the corresponding cash and turn it over to a woman named Lulu Beth, also presumed to be a false name. Soon the bank called to tell the victim that the check turned out to be fake and that the victim’s money had been taken.

Surveillance photos of a suspect shows an Asian female, 30 to 40 years old, with dark hair and pink highlights. At the time, the suspect was wearing glasses, a grey sweatshirt, and a black vest.

The RCMP advises potential victims to wait until another person’s check clears before withdrawing cash to turn over to that person.

If anyone recognizes the suspect or has more information, contact RCMP at 604-599-0502, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.



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