Czech Hospital Tests Man with Ebola Symptoms

PRAGUE – A Prague hospital is testing a 56-year-old Czech man with symptoms of the Ebola virus, a hospital spokesman said on Thursday.

The spokesman said the man, who had recently travelled in Liberia, was in isolation at Bulovka hospital in the Czech capital and that tests had been carried out and sent to a laboratory in Berlin. Results should be known on Friday, he said.

The virus, which is spread through direct contact with body fluids from an infected person, has killed nearly 4,000 people in West Africa since March, in the largest outbreak on record.

The health of a Spanish nurse, the first person believed to have contracted Ebola outside Africa, worsened on Thursday in Madrid, where a total of seven people are in isolation.

A British man with symptoms of the Ebola virus died in Macedonia on Thursday and authorities said they had sealed off a hotel where he stayed.

(Source: GMA News)

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