Maguindanao Health Officials Note Hike in Dengue Cases, Call On Public to Seek Early Consultation
Patients line up to avail of the services offered at the Medical-Dental Outreach program Harirayang Handog, Gamutang Pangkalahatan in Maguindanao province. PHOTO: Ferdinandh Cabrera
SHARIFF AGUAK, Maguindanao – A health official reminded the public to seek medical assistance immediately and not wait until patients are in critical condition.
Dr. Tahir Sulaik, Maguindanao health chief and head of the Integrated Provincial health Office (IPHO), said the agency recorded six deaths his year.
From January to first week of August, 428 dengue cases have been reported, which is about six percent higher compared to the same period last year.
Parang town has the highest number of dengue incidents which has 18 percent of the total number of cases from Maguindanao, a component province of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) that has 36 municipalities.
“Let’s not wait (until) they will arrive in the hospitals hopeless and almost at the brink of death,” he said.
The health official said he was saddened by reports from field health workers that about 90 percent of dengue patients in various hospitals in the province and in Cotabato City are already in the critical stage when they sought medical attention.
“This very alarming, (the number of cases are) 6 percent higher than the previous year on record. So nakita ko na kailangang pag-ibayuhin ang ating information dissemination, education activity on the 4S and that patients should seek early treatment, so kung may mataas na fever for two days na diretso na kaagad sa ospital,” Sulaik said.
The 4S is the health department’s anti-dengue campaign or Search and destroy mosquito breeding places, use Self-protection measures, Seek early consultation for fevers lasting more than two days, and Say yes to fogging when there is an impending outbreak.
Meanwhile, Sulaik is coordinating with provincial and municipal government officials to strengthen the campaign on the dengue prevention. — BAP, GMA News