Move Vs Additional Terminal Fee Cited

Responding to the call of the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and other concerned sectors, the Senate has passed a resolution strongly urging the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) to recall its memorandum circular imposing additional terminal fees to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).

Bishop Ruperto C. Santos of Balanga City, cited Senator Cynthia Villar for sponsoring Resolution Number 1179, calling MIAA to immediately stop collecting additional fees from OFWs whom the CBCP described as “living heroes.”

“Thanks to God since our efforts bear fruits, this is a great relief for our OFWs,” said Bishop Santos.

An additional terminal fee at the airports takes this February, drawing the ire of the Catholic priests and the public.

Santos said that they stand with the OFWs in their struggles and sacrifices, warning that they will continue to oppose any additional terminal fees for the overseas workers.

“The Church will always support and stand with our OFWs, promoting and preserving the workers’ rights,” said the Balanga Bishop.

Bishop Santos said they condemned MIAA’s utter disregard of the still pending court and congressional hearings seeking to clarify the issue. He added that MIAA’s memorandum is a deliberate and conscious act to violate the grant of exemption to overseas Filipino workers from paying airport terminal fees as enshrined in the Migrant Workers’ Act of 1995 and Republic Act No. 10022.


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