What Do You Need To Succeed Overseas

Inspired with the success stories of those who found a better life abroad, many Filipinos think that the greener pasture is outside the Philippines. However, not all overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who try their luck overseas end up triumphant. So what does it take to succeed overseas? Is it loads of training on a particular field, years of work experience or a degree in a reputable university?

Here’s what professionals has to say about being a successful expat:

Excellent attitude. Consultants of international recruitment said that people who were able to settle and adjust well in their new life and jobs in a foreign country are not the ones who have impressive educational and professional background. Rather they are the ones who have excellent attitude.

Positive mindset. Neil Jacobs of Young Samuel Chambers (YSC), a group of business psychologists, describes a successful expatriate candidate as the one who is adaptable and have a naturally positive mindset. So if you plan to accept a job offer in Dubai or are thinking of immigrating to New Zealand, you should prepare yourself for all the changes and challenges that you are sure to encounter in your new environment.

Flexibility. Being ready and able to cope with life as a foreign worker is said to be more important than making sure that you are qualified for the position.

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Open-mindedness. It is also important for OFWs to have an open mind and welcome the changes that come with migrating. International recruiters advised expatriate workers to be concern not just with the new job they will have abroad but the new life they will lead there.

To succeed, OFWs should take everything as a challenge and have a positive outlook by ignoring minor discomforts and see every difficulty they may encounter as a chance for learning.

(Source: OFWGuide.com)

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