US Woman Sentenced for Molesting Filipino Teen

A 43-year-old woman in Wilmington, North Carolina, was sentenced to three years of supervised probation for kissing and groping a Filipino teenager, a report on Star News Online said.

The report said Christy Lynn Jaski pleaded guilty before a New Hanover County Superior Court to three counts of misdemeanor sexual battery.

Jaski was accused of kissing and groping the victim, aged 14, between December 2014 and January 2015, at the time when the boy was in the process of being adopted by the Jaski family.

Interviewed by Carousel Center, a nonprofit organization that helps victims of child abuse, the victim said Jaski had French kissed him and got on top of him while he was lying down.

In an electronic communication with a friend in the Philippines, Jaski reportedly said she never went beyond kissing and groping although she “had to fight it.” She also reportedly referred to the victim as “her son.”

Jaski’s lawyers said she has been interested in adoption ever since she was young, at one point even asking her parents to adopt a sibling for her.

The report said the Jaski family includes four daughters, two biological and two who were adopted from China. The girls range in age from 11 to 18 years old.

Aside from probation, Jaski is also ordered by the court to register as a sex offender for 30 years. —KBK, GMA News



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